3 Critical Safety Items To Use When Operating An Automatic Girth Welder

Automatic girth welding machines are incredible systems that enable fast and efficient welds. In order to use these machines safely, however, you need to invest in the right equipment. These items in particular certainly can prove helpful when operating an automatic girth welder. 

Welding Helmet 

During your welds with an automatic girth welder, sparks will be flying and extreme light will be present. So that your face and eyes are fully protected from these potential dangers, you need to invest in a welding helmet. There are many you can choose from today, but choosing one with an auto-darkening lens proves useful. 

The moment you strike up the automatic girth welder, your welding helmet's lens will instantly go dark. You thus never have to worry about forgetting to enable protective settings. You'll also want a welding helmet made from lightweight materials, such as nylon, so that your head movement isn't restricted in the slightest.

Cowhide Leather Gloves 

Since your hands will be so close to the automatic girth welder during operation, you need to find some means of protection. Otherwise, sparks will burn your hands over and over. For adequate protection, consider wearing a pair of cowhide leather gloves.

The cowhide material is extremely thick, capable of protecting your hands from excessive heat and sparks that fly up during operation. Often times, these gloves are fitted with textured fingertips. This design ensures maximum control of the automatic girth welder for unrivaled safety. Additionally, some of these cowhide leather gloves feature insulating cotton on the inside that provides warmth on those colder work days of the year.

Flame-Resistant Work Shirt 

It's pretty difficult to determine where sparks will go when operating an automatic girth welder. That's what makes it so important to have full upper body protection, which you'll have in spades when you wear a flame-resistant work shirt. 

The cotton material it's made out of has been special treated to resist catching on fire when exposed to sparks and extreme heat. These work shirts also have a long-sleeve design so that your entire upper body is protected during each weld. These work shirts are even machine washable, which makes them easy to keep clean. 

There are a lot of potential safety hazards you have to account for when operating an automatic girth welder. So that you stay safe at all times when using this device, be sure to invest in the right safety gear. You'll then be better prepared for whatever comes your way during your welds.   

About Me

Choosing Better Equipment

After I started reading more about manufacturing in this country, I realized that there were a few things that needed to change in the businesses around me, and fast. I started talking with different factory owners about their accident rates and what they thought caused the problem, and they were more than happy to help me to figure out what we could do to improve things. It was amazing to see how much of a difference a few simple changes made, and I was really impressed with how receptive people were to changing longstanding systems. This blog is all about choosing better equipment to change your life and your company's profitability.


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